Cross Platform Solutions - .Net Core

We make desktop, server and mobile cross platform solutions that will work on may different operating systems. Windows, OSx, Linux, Android and iOS.

Cross Platform Solutions - UWP Applications

We offer cross platform solutions that will work on may different devices. Phone, PC and XBox using Universal Windows Platform. Universal Windows Platform (UWP) is a platform-homogeneous application architecture by Microsoft.
We can make one application and deploy to any device and also list it on the Windows Store and XBox Live.

Cross Platform Solutions - Unity3D Game Engine

We offer cross platform games in many platforms. 25+ platforms across mobile, desktop, console, TV, VR, AR and the Web.

More platform support than any other creation engine: With Unity, you can reach the widest audience and feel confident that your IP is future-proof, no matter how the industry evolves or where your imagination takes you.

With support for iOS, Android, Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, tvOS, Steam products and more. One of the best choices small to large multi-player or single player games.

Cross Platform Solutions - Unreal Game Engine

All major game console and pc environments. True world-class game engine.

Robust Multiplayer Framework.

Full VR support, film quality effects, advanced AI support.

Full 8K video and HD audio support.

More Information

If you have questions or would like to discuss a current or new project please Contact Us